Source code for pybel_tools.selection.metapaths

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A metapath can be defined with two levels of granularity:

- Low: A list of BEL functions representing the types of entities in a given path
- High: An alternating list of BEL functions and BEL relations representing the types of entities in a given path and
  their relations


from pybel.constants import FUNCTION

    from functools import lru_cache
    from functools32 import lru_cache

__all__ = [

[docs]def convert_path_to_metapath(graph, nodes): """Converts a list of nodes to their corresponding functions :param list[tuple] nodes: A list of BEL node tuples :rtype: list[str] """ return [ graph.node[node][FUNCTION] for node in nodes ]
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def get_walks_exhaustive(graph, node, length): """Gets all walks under a given length starting at a given node :param networkx.Graph graph: A graph :param node: Starting node :param int length: The length of walks to get :return: A list of paths :rtype: list[tuple] """ if 0 == length: return (node,), return tuple( (node, key) + path for neighbor in graph.edge[node] for path in get_walks_exhaustive(graph, neighbor, length - 1) if node not in path for key in graph.edge[node][neighbor] )
[docs]def match_simple_metapath(graph, node, simple_metapath): """Matches a simple metapath starting at the given node :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param tuple node: A BEL node :param list[str] simple_metapath: A list of BEL Functions :return: An iterable over paths from the node matching the metapath :rtype: iter[tuple] """ if 0 == len(simple_metapath): yield node, else: for neighbor in graph.edge[node]: if graph.node[neighbor][FUNCTION] == simple_metapath[0]: for path in match_simple_metapath(graph, neighbor, simple_metapath[1:]): if node not in path: yield (node,) + path
def convert_simple_walk(graph, simple_walk): """Converts a walk into a sequence of BEL functions :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param iter[tuple] simple_walk: An iterable of BEL nodes :return: A list of BEL functions of the walk :rtype: list[str] """ return [ graph.node[node][FUNCTION] for node in simple_walk ] def match_complex_metapath(graph, node, complex_metapath): """Matches a complex metapath starting at the given node :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param tuple node: A BEL node :param list[str] complex_metapath: An iterable of alternating BEL nodes and relations :return: An iterable over paths from the node matching the metapath :rtype: iter[tuple] """ raise NotImplemented def convert_complex_walk(graph, complex_walk): """Converts a walk into an alternative sequence of BEL functions and BEL relations, starting and ending with a BEL function :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param iter[tuple] complex_walk: An iterable of alternating BEL nodes and relations :return: An alternating list of BEL functions and relations of the walk :rtype: list[str] """ raise NotImplemented