Source code for pybel_tools.mutation.random

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import random

from pybel.struct.pipeline import transformation
from pybel.struct.utils import update_node_helper
from ..utils import safe_add_edge

__all__ = [

[docs]@transformation def random_by_nodes(graph, percentage=None): """Gets a random graph by inducing over a percentage of the original nodes :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param float percentage: The percentage of edges to keep :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ percentage = percentage or 0.9 assert 0 < percentage <= 1 nodes = graph.nodes() n = int(len(nodes) * percentage) subnodes = random.sample(nodes, n) result = graph.subgraph(subnodes) update_node_helper(graph, result) return result
[docs]@transformation def random_by_edges(graph, percentage=None): """Gets a random graph by keeping a certain percentage of original edges :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param float percentage: The percentage of edges to keep :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ percentage = percentage or 0.9 assert 0 < percentage <= 1 edges = graph.edges(keys=True) n = int(graph.number_of_edges() * percentage) subedges = random.sample(edges, n) rv = graph.fresh_copy() for u, v, k in subedges: safe_add_edge(rv, u, v, k, graph.edge[u][v][k]) update_node_helper(graph, rv) return rv
[docs]@transformation def shuffle_node_data(graph, key, percentage=None): """Shuffles the node's data. Useful for permutation testing. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param str key: The node data dictionary key :param float percentage: What percentage of possible swaps to make :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ percentage = percentage or 0.3 assert 0 < percentage <= 1 n = graph.number_of_nodes() swaps = int(percentage * n * (n - 1) / 2) result = graph.copy() for _ in range(swaps): s, t = random.sample(result.node, 2) result.node[s][key], result.node[t][key] = result.node[t][key], result.node[s][key] return result
[docs]@transformation def shuffle_relations(graph, percentage=None): """Shuffles the relations. Useful for permutation testing. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param float percentage: What percentage of possible swaps to make :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ percentage = percentage or 0.3 assert 0 < percentage <= 1 n = graph.number_of_edges() swaps = int(percentage * n * (n - 1) / 2) result = graph.copy() edges = result.edges(keys=True) for _ in range(swaps): (s1, t1, k1), (s2, t2, k2) = random.sample(edges, 2) result.edge[s1][t1][k1], result.edge[s2][t2][k2] = result.edge[s2][t2][k2], result.edge[s1][t1][k1] return result