Source code for pybel_tools.analysis.rcr

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""An implementation of Reverse Causal Reasoning (RCR) [Catlett2013]_.

.. [Catlett2013] Catlett, N. L., *et al* (2013). `Reverse causal reasoning: applying qualitative causal knowledge to
    the interpretation of high-throughput data <>`_. BMC Bioinformatics, 14(1),

import pandas
import scipy.stats
from collections import defaultdict
from scipy.special import binom


__all__ = [

def point_probability(k, n, l, p=0.5):
    return binom(n - l, k) * p ** k * (1 - p) ** (n - k - l)

def concordance(k, n, m, l, p=0.5):
    return sum(point_probability(j, n, l, p) for j in range(k, min(n - 1, m)))

[docs]def run_rcr(graph, tag='dgxp'): """Runs the reverse causal reasoning algorithm on a graph. Steps: 1. Get all downstream controlled things into map (that have at least 4 downstream things) 2. calculate population of all things that are downstream controlled .. note:: Assumes all nodes have been pre-tagged with data :param pybel.BELGraph graph: :param str tag: The key for the nodes' data dictionaries that corresponds to the integer value for its differential expression. """ # Step 1: Calculate the hypothesis subnetworks (just simple star graphs) hypotheses = defaultdict(set) increases = defaultdict(set) decreases = defaultdict(set) for u, v, d in graph.edges_iter(data=True): hypotheses[u].add(v) if d[RELATION] in CAUSAL_INCREASE_RELATIONS: increases[u].add(v) elif d[RELATION] in CAUSAL_DECREASE_RELATIONS: decreases[u].add(v) # Step 2: Calculate the matching of the data points to the causal relationships #: A dictionary from {tuple controller node: int count of correctly matching observations} correct = defaultdict(int) #: A dictionary from {tuple controller node: int count of incorrectly matching observations} contra = defaultdict(int) #: A dictionary from {tuple controller node: int count of ambiguous observations} ambiguous = defaultdict(int) #: A dictionary from {tuple controller node: int count of missing obvservations} missing = defaultdict(int) for controller, downstream_nodes in hypotheses.items(): if len(downstream_nodes) < 4: continue # need enough data to make reasonable calculations! for node in downstream_nodes: if node in increases[controller] and node in decreases[controller]: ambiguous[controller] += 1 elif node in increases[controller]: if graph.node[node][tag] == 1: correct[controller] += 1 elif graph.node[node][tag] == -1: contra[controller] += 1 elif node in decreases[controller]: if graph.node[node][tag] == 1: contra[controller] += 1 elif graph.node[node][tag] == -1: correct[controller] += 1 else: missing[controller] += 1 # Step 3: Keep only controller nodes who have 4 or more downstream nodes controllers = { controller for controller, downstream_nodes in hypotheses.items() if 4 <= len(downstream_nodes) } # Step 4: Calculate concordance scores concordance_scores = { controller: scipy.stats.beta(0.5, correct[controller], contra[controller]) for controller in controllers } # Step 5: Calculate richness scores # TODO # Calculate the population as the union of all downstream nodes for all controllers population = { node for controller in controllers for node in hypotheses[controller] } population_size = len(population) # Step 6: Export return pandas.DataFrame({ 'contra': contra, 'correct': correct, 'concordance': concordance_scores })