Source code for pybel.struct.mutation.induction.random_subgraph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for inducing random sub-graphs."""

import bisect
import logging
import random
from operator import itemgetter

from ..utils import remove_isolated_nodes
from ...pipeline import transformation
from ...utils import update_metadata, update_node_helper

__all__ = [

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _random_edge_iterator(graph, n_edges):
    """Get a random set of edges from the graph and randomly samples a key from each.

    :type graph: pybel.BELGraph
    :param int n_edges: Number of edges to randomly select from the given graph
    :rtype: iter[tuple[tuple,tuple,int,dict]]
    universe_edges = list(graph.edges())

    for u, v in universe_edges[:n_edges]:
        keys = list(graph[u][v])
        k = random.choice(keys)
        yield u, v, k, graph[u][v][k]

def get_graph_with_random_edges(graph, n_edges):
    """Build a new graph from a seeding of edges.

    :type graph: pybel.BELGraph
    :param int n_edges: Number of edges to randomly select from the given graph
    :rtype: pybel.BELGraph
    result = graph.fresh_copy()
    result.add_edges_from(_random_edge_iterator(graph, n_edges))

    update_metadata(graph, result)
    update_node_helper(graph, result)
    return result

#: How many edges should be sampled from a graph that's still reasonable to display
#: How many edges should be sampled as "seed" edges

class WeightedRandomGenerator(object):
    """A weighted random number generator.

    Adapted from:

    def __init__(self, values, weights):
        """Build a weighted random generator.

        :param Any values: A sequence corresponding to the weights
        :param weights: Weights for each. Should all be positive, but not necessarily normalized.
        self.values = values
        self.totals = []
        weight_total = 0

        for weight in weights:
            weight_total += weight

    def total(self):
        """Get the total weight stored."""
        return self.totals[-1]

    def next_index(self):
        """Get a random index.

        :rtype: int
        return bisect.bisect_right(self.totals, random.random() *

    def next(self):
        """Get a random value.

        :rtype: Any
        return self.values[self.next_index()]

def get_random_node(graph, node_blacklist, invert_degrees=None):
    """Choose a node from the graph with probabilities based on their degrees.

    :type graph: networkx.Graph
    :param set[tuple] node_blacklist: Nodes to filter out
    :param Optional[bool] invert_degrees: Should the degrees be inverted? Defaults to true.
    :rtype: Optional[tuple]
        nodes, degrees = zip(*(
            (node, degree)
            for node, degree in sorted(, key=itemgetter(1))
            if node not in node_blacklist
    except ValueError:  # something wrong with graph, probably no elements in graph.degree_iter

    if invert_degrees is None or invert_degrees:
        # More likely to choose low degree nodes to explore, so don't make hubs
        degrees = [1 / degree for degree in degrees]

    wrg = WeightedRandomGenerator(nodes, degrees)

def _helper(result, graph, number_edges_remaining, no_grow, invert_degrees=None):
    """Help build a random graph.

    :type result: networkx.Graph
    :type graph: networkx.Graph
    :type number_edges_remaining: int
    :type no_grow: set
    :type invert_degrees: Optional[bool]
    original_node_count = graph.number_of_nodes()

    log.debug('adding remaining %d edges', number_edges_remaining)
    for _ in range(number_edges_remaining):

        source, possible_step_nodes, c = None, set(), 0
        while not source or not possible_step_nodes:
            source = get_random_node(result, no_grow, invert_degrees=invert_degrees)

            c += 1
            if c >= original_node_count:
                log.warning('infinite loop happening')
                log.warning('source: %s', source)
                log.warning('no grow: %s', no_grow)
                return  # Happens when after exhausting the connected components. Try increasing the number seed edges

            if source is None:
                continue  # maybe do something else?

            # Only keep targets in the original graph that aren't in the result graph
            possible_step_nodes = set(graph[source]) - set(result[source])

            if not possible_step_nodes:
                no_grow.add(source)  # there aren't any possible nodes to step to, so try growing from somewhere else

        step_node = random.choice(list(possible_step_nodes))

        # it's not really a big deal which, but it might be possible to weight this by the utility of edges later
        key, attr_dict = random.choice(list(graph[source][step_node].items()))

        result.add_edge(source, step_node, key=key, **attr_dict)

[docs]@transformation def get_random_subgraph(graph, number_edges=None, number_seed_edges=None, seed=None, invert_degrees=None): """Generate a random subgraph based on weighted random walks from random seed edges. :type graph: pybel.BELGraph graph :param Optional[int] number_edges: Maximum number of edges. Defaults to :data:`pybel_tools.constants.SAMPLE_RANDOM_EDGE_COUNT` (250). :param Optional[int] number_seed_edges: Number of nodes to start with (which likely results in different components in large graphs). Defaults to :data:`SAMPLE_RANDOM_EDGE_SEED_COUNT` (5). :param Optional[int] seed: A seed for the random state :param Optional[bool] invert_degrees: Should the degrees be inverted? Defaults to true. :rtype: pybel.BELGraph """ if number_edges is None: number_edges = SAMPLE_RANDOM_EDGE_COUNT if number_seed_edges is None: number_seed_edges = SAMPLE_RANDOM_EDGE_SEED_COUNT if seed is not None: random.seed(seed) # Check if graph will sample full graph, and just return it if it would if graph.number_of_edges() <= number_edges:'sampled full graph') return graph.copy() log.debug('getting random sub-graph with %d seed edges, %d final edges, and seed=%s', number_seed_edges, number_edges, seed) # Get initial graph with `number_seed_edges` edges result = get_graph_with_random_edges(graph, number_seed_edges) number_edges_remaining = number_edges - result.number_of_edges() _helper( result, graph, number_edges_remaining, no_grow=set(), # This is the set of nodes that should no longer be chosen to grow from invert_degrees=invert_degrees, ) log.debug('removing isolated nodes') remove_isolated_nodes(result) # update metadata update_node_helper(graph, result) update_metadata(graph, result) return result