Source code for pybel.struct.mutation.induction.neighborhood

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Functions for selecting by the neighborhoods of nodes."""

import itertools as itt

from ...pipeline import transformation
from ...utils import update_metadata, update_node_helper

__all__ = [

[docs]@transformation def get_subgraph_by_neighborhood(graph, nodes): """Get a BEL graph around the neighborhoods of the given nodes. Returns none if no nodes are in the graph. :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param iter[tuple] nodes: An iterable of BEL nodes :return: A BEL graph induced around the neighborhoods of the given nodes :rtype: Optional[pybel.BELGraph] """ node_set = set(nodes) if not any(node in graph for node in node_set): return rv = graph.fresh_copy() rv.add_edges_from(itt.chain( graph.in_edges(nodes, keys=True, data=True), graph.out_edges(nodes, keys=True, data=True), )) update_node_helper(graph, rv) update_metadata(graph, rv) return rv