Source code for pybel_tools.selection.group_nodes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Callable, Iterable, Mapping, Optional, Set, TypeVar

from pybel import BELGraph
from pybel.constants import *
from pybel.dsl import BaseEntity
from pybel.struct.filters.edge_predicates import edge_has_annotation
from pybel.struct.filters.node_filters import concatenate_node_predicates
from pybel.struct.filters.typing import NodePredicates

__all__ = [

X = TypeVar('X')

[docs]def group_nodes_by_annotation(graph: BELGraph, annotation: str = 'Subgraph') -> Mapping[str, Set[BaseEntity]]: """Group the nodes occurring in edges by the given annotation.""" result = defaultdict(set) for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if not edge_has_annotation(d, annotation): continue result[d[ANNOTATIONS][annotation]].add(u) result[d[ANNOTATIONS][annotation]].add(v) return dict(result)
[docs]def average_node_annotation(graph: BELGraph, key: str, annotation: str = 'Subgraph', aggregator: Optional[Callable[[Iterable[X]], X]] = None, ) -> Mapping[str, X]: """Groups graph into subgraphs and assigns each subgraph a score based on the average of all nodes values for the given node key :param pybel.BELGraph graph: A BEL graph :param key: The key in the node data dictionary representing the experimental data :param annotation: A BEL annotation to use to group nodes :param aggregator: A function from list of values -> aggregate value. Defaults to taking the average of a list of floats. :type aggregator: lambda """ if aggregator is None: def aggregator(x): """Calculates the average""" return sum(x) / len(x) result = {} for subgraph, nodes in group_nodes_by_annotation(graph, annotation).items(): values = [graph.nodes[node][key] for node in nodes if key in graph.nodes[node]] result[subgraph] = aggregator(values) return result
[docs]def group_nodes_by_annotation_filtered(graph: BELGraph, node_predicates: NodePredicates = None, annotation: str = 'Subgraph', ) -> Mapping[str, Set[BaseEntity]]: """Group the nodes occurring in edges by the given annotation, with a node filter applied. :param graph: A BEL graph :param node_predicates: A predicate or list of predicates (graph, node) -> bool :param annotation: The annotation to use for grouping :return: A dictionary of {annotation value: set of nodes} """ node_filter = concatenate_node_predicates(node_predicates) return { key: { node for node in nodes if node_filter(graph, node) } for key, nodes in group_nodes_by_annotation(graph, annotation).items() }
def get_mapped_nodes(graph: BELGraph, namespace: str, names: Iterable[str]) -> Mapping[BaseEntity, Set[BaseEntity]]: """Return a dict with keys: nodes that match the namespace and in names and values other nodes (complexes, variants, orthologous...) or this node. :param graph: A BEL graph :param namespace: The namespace to search :param names: List or set of values from which we want to map nodes from :return: Main node to variants/groups. """ parent_to_variants = defaultdict(set) names = set(names) for u, v, d in graph.edges(data=True): if d[RELATION] in {HAS_MEMBER, HAS_COMPONENT} and v.get(NAMESPACE) == namespace and v.get(NAME) in names: parent_to_variants[v].add(u) elif d[RELATION] == HAS_VARIANT and u.get(NAMESPACE) == namespace and u.get(NAME) in names: parent_to_variants[u].add(v) elif d[RELATION] == ORTHOLOGOUS and u.get(NAMESPACE) == namespace and u.get(NAME) in names: parent_to_variants[u].add(v) return dict(parent_to_variants)